Software Development

XpertPowerTM Associates offers software development services for implementing solutions from scratch or based on customization of in-house software tools and libraries. We also support interfacing to and use of third-party software components. Our team uses agile approach and methodology, which guarantees efficient and target oriented development process with highest return on investment.

Software Development at XpertPower

Software Development at XpertPower Associates

  • People – the key component to improving and achieving the highest capability is to build a team. The team members are continuously trained and certified for both technology and quality assurance skills.
  • Technology – utilizing state-of-the art development tools while targeting platform independence. We have ability to efficiently track project management, requirements management, and cost and risk analysis. We utilize advanced build and version control tools, continuous integration, automated testing, quality metrics, issue/bug tracking, and technical documentation.
  • Process – improving and optimizing software development and maintenance by adopting the Agile methodologies. We use fast-paced iterative and incremental approach within a structured software product life-cycle. Our process utilizes pragmatic agile philosophy that focuses on the highest risks first, includes feedback from the clients early in the process, and improves the quality of the product.